Graduate News

Graduate Student Discusses “Resistance: How VanA Strains Get Away With It”

During the Spring 2015 semester, Graduate Student Matthew Guberman-Pfeffer had been enrolled in Dr. Mark Peczuh’s Physical Organic Chemistry class. In that class, Matthew examined the physical basis behind the difference in affinities of D-Ala-D-Ala and D-Ala-D-Lac terminating peptides to vancomycin. Thus, “Resistance: How VanA strains get away with it,” was born. Part 1 of […]

Chain Reaction: NSF Programs Are Initiators of Chemist’s Success

Jennifer Bento Author Jennifer Bento is a graduate student in the Polymer Program at UConn in the research group of Chemistry Professor Doug Adamson. In her reflection below, Jen describes the implications on her career path that resulted from her participation in the UConn chemistry REU program. She connects this experience to choosing UConn for […]

Face to Face with Nobel Laureates

UConn Today Homer Genuino, a UConn Ph.D. student in chemistry advised by Prof. Steven Suib, spent a week this summer in Germany, attending the 63rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Chemistry). The annual Lindau meetings were established in 1951 as an opportunity for an intergenerational dialogue between scientists. Genuino was one of about 600 young researchers […]

The Magic of Science

UConn Today For three weeks during May and June, a group of UConn graduate and undergraduate science and education majors have been engaged in something magical. They have been getting middle school students absorbed in chemistry. Known as the UConn Science Wizards, the college students gave hands-on polymer chemistry demonstrations at inner-city and rural middle […]