Research News

Zhao Group Perspective Featured on the Journal of Physical Chemistry Lectures

Dr. Jing Zhao and graduate student Swayandipta Dey wrote a perspective to The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. The perspective is highlighted on its August 2016 cover. About the cover: “The cover art illustrates that by positioning single quantum dots close to metal nanoparticles, the interaction between the excitons and plasmons will significantly alter the […]

Pinkhassik Group Research on Cover of Chemistry – A European Journal

A recent paper from the Pinkhassik group was featured on the cover of Chemistry – A European Journal (Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22(40), 14137-14140). The cover image illustrates new hybrid nanomaterials, rotaxane-like structures threaded through the pores of hollow porous nanocapsules. These structures may lead to the creation of complex nanoscale cell-mimicking devices. Dr. Sergey […]

The Art of Scientific Glassblowing

UConn’s scientific glassblower, Daryl Smith, fashions specialized glassware like this rotary evaporator bump trap for hundreds of faculty and graduate students to use in teaching and research. — By: Matthew Bilmes ’18 (SFA) | Story courtesy of UConn Today

Paper from Rusling Group Accepted in ACS Editor’s Choice

A paper from Dr. Jim Rusling’s group–in collaboration with Prof. Richard Kremer at McGill University–was recently accepted in Analytical Chemistry in press and on-line in “ACS Editors’ Choice.” New peer-reviewed research articles are given an “ACS Editors’ Choice” distinction based on recommendations by the scientific editors of ACS journals from around the world. All “ACS Editors’ Choice” […]

Pinkhassik Group Research Featured on ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces Cover

A recent paper from the Pinkhassik Group was featured on the cover of ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8 (30), pp 19755–19763). The study described the creation of size- and charge-selective nanoprobes for surface-enhanced raman scattering (SERS). The cover image illustrates the application of selective SERS nanoprobes in the trace analysis of small molecules in blood plasma without the […]

UConn Chemists Conduct Experiments at NIST

Gillian Macusi and Dr. Sergey Shmakov (Pinkhassik Group) received travel fellowships to conduct neutron scattering experiments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). They joined Drs. Sergey Dergunov and Eugene Pinkhassik (UConn) and Dr. Andrew Richter (Valparaiso University) at NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) to investigate the structure of polymer nanocapsules developed […]

Schrödinger: Molecular and Materials Simulation Software

Dr. José A. Gascón  We are happy to announce a recent agreement between UConn and Schrödinger Inc. on the acquisition of the Schrödinger’s Suite for Molecular and Materials Simulations. Schrödinger’s Suite is a software package that can be used for: 1) lead discovery and lead optimization in the context of drug discovery; 2) atomic-scale simulation of chemical systems; […]

Paper by Suib Group is Among Top 5 Downloaded in June

A paper by the Suib Group, Mesoporous MoO3–x Material as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reactions, was published in the journal Advanced Energy Materials and is among the top 5 downloaded paper in the month of June. The research is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy […]

New Catalyst Found For Clean Energy Fuel

UConn Today A team of UConn chemists led by professors Steven Suib and James Rusling has developed a new material that could make hydrogen capture more commercially viable and provide a key element for a new generation of cheaper, light-weight hydrogen fuel cells. The new metal-free catalyst uses carbon graphene nanotubes infused with sulfur. Hydrogen […]