Author: aac14026

Smart Phone Soup

In the bottom drawer of your desk at home lie all the “must-haves” of yesteryear — a bundle of knotted earphones, a broken computer mouse, some overplayed CDs, a flip phone, an iPod. A study in The Global E-waste Monitor 2017 reported that in 2016 humans generated 44.7 million metric tons of electronic waste (e-waste). And in […]

Islam Mosa Wins 2nd Place at Postdoctoral Datablitz Competition

Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellow, Islam Mosa (Rusling Group), won 2nd place in the 2018 UConn Postdoctoral Datablitz competition for his work on nanogenerators-BioCap systems for implantable pacemakers. The Datablitz competition is a campus-wide competition for all postdoctoral fellows from across disciplines to present their research in 5 minutes. Read more.

Accelerate UConn Winners

Prof. James Rusling, Postdoctoral Fellow Islam Mosa, and Graduate Student Esraa Elsanadidy are the recipients of a Fall 2018 Accelerate UConn Grant for their project “Biocap-Harvest.” This project involves harvesting energy using nanogenerators and storing it to create standalone power systems for implantable, wearable, and portable electronics. All winning teams receive special training and a […]

Alumni & Friends Networking Reception

On August 19, 2018, a group of approximately 40 alumni, current faculty, and current graduate students gathered in Boston for our first Alumni & Friends Networking Reception. Throughout the night, connections were made within and across various generations of research groups. We look forward to the opportunity to host similar events in the future. Please […]

Dr. Rusling Named Krenicki Professor

On August 1st, 2018, the University of Connecticut Board of trustees approved Dr. James Rusling as the Paul Krenicki Professor of Chemistry. The Paul Krenicki Professorship is possible with the support of John Krenicki Jr. ’84 and Donna Samson Krenicki ’84. The professorship is named after Krenicki’s brother, Paul, who had a passion for chemistry […]

Meet Vincent Pistritto, Class of 2018

  Vincent Pistritto BS, chemistry; BA, music   Hometown: Woodbury, Connecticut Extracurriculars: Member of UConn Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra; student coordinator with Honors Initiatives for Prospective Students (HIPS) Scholarships: Dr. Victor Rizza Scholarship, Dr. Charles E. Waring Chemistry Scholarship, James L. and Shirley A. Draper Scholarship, William R. Granquist Jr. Memorial Scholarship; William P. O’Hara Endowed Scholarship; […]

Fuller Named National Scientific Materials Manager of the Year

Charlene Fuller was chatting amiably with the Airgas delivery man over a gas cylinder shipment when the FBI agents arrived. She saw them approaching, their dark figures loping down the underground hallway, their reflector sunglasses glinting in the fluorescent light. Suits in the UConn Chemistry Building? Must be salesmen, she thought, and locked the stockroom […]