Research News

Pinkhassik Group Featured on Cover Of Chemistry – A European Journal

Research from the Pinkhassik Group was featured on the cover of Chemistry – A European Journal. Collaborators examined, “Tuning Optical Properties of Encapsulated Clusters of Gold Nanoparticles through Stimuli-Triggered Controlled Aggregation.” The image illustrates the change in optical properties of nanoparticles caused by externally triggered aggregation inside porous nanocapsules. Small nanoparticles that might be safe […]

Suib Group Featured On Materials Views Cover

Research conducted by the Suib Group is now featured as the cover of Material Views’ “Best of Advanced Energy Materials” feature. The cover highlights Suib Group research regarding “Controlling the Active Sites of Sulfur-Doped Carbon Nanotube–Graphene Nanolobes for Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution and Reduction Catalysis.” Collaborators include: Abdelhamid M. El-Sawy, Islam M. Mosa, Dong Su, Curtis […]

Boosting The Efficiency of Solar Panels

Dr. C. Vijay Kumar is the focus of a recent UConn Today article highlighting his research to improve the efficiency of solar panels. Dr. Kumar has developed a light-harvesting antenna that could double the efficiency of existing solar cell panels and make them cheaper to build. UConn Today A UConn researcher has developed a light-harvesting […]

Suib & He Group Research Highlighted on Chemistry of Materials Cover

A paper entitled “Colloidal Amphiphile-Templated Growth of Highly Crystalline Mesoporous Nonsiliceous Oxides” from the Suib and He groups (Chem. Mater. 2015, 27, 6173–6176) was featured on the front cover of Chemistry of Materials. They highlighted the utilization of polymer-tethered silica nanoparticles for the preparation of thermally stable and highly crystalline mesoporous transition-metal oxides with uniform […]

Novel “Green” Antenna Could Double Solar Efficiency

The Kumar Group and He Group have reportedly developed a unique “green” antenna that could potentially double the efficiencies of certain kinds of solar cells. Efficient solar cells maximize the absorption of the sun’s wavelengths. However, current silicon solar cells are not efficient in the blue part of the light spectrum. In response, Kumar’s team […]

UConn’s 500 MHz NMR Instrument Gets Smart

Over this summer, the Bruker Avance 500 MHz NMR spectrometer located in Pharmacy has undergone a major upgrade. We purchased and installed a new 5mm SmartProbe and performed the necessary console and shim upgrades to make the probe work. The probe has increased sensitivity of the 500 for 1H by several fold and also increased […]