Author: Fletcher, Peyton

Graduate Student Maggie Ward Awarded NSF-GRFP

Maggie Ward, a first-year doctoral student in inorganic chemistry, was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRFP). She works in the lab of Assistant Professor J. Nathan Hohman, focusing on crystallography and working is to synthesize and characterize metal-organic chalcogenolates, a class of semiconducting nanomaterials. The lab has primarily synthesized and studied silver materials, but her focus is currently those made […]

Professor Sotzing’s 3BC Inc to Find Differences in THC

3BC Inc. is a cannabinoid company of which Prof. Gregory Sotzing is the Chief Scientific Officer. The company has been conducting research with UConn School of Nursing professor Steve Kinsey and his team in order to investigate the differences in physical and psychoactive effects of various forms of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. They found that two […]