Teaching News

Interactive Periodic Table Tells Stories, One Element at a Time

Department Chemistry Periodic Table Display | UConn  Christian Brückner started collecting more than 45 years ago when he was a young teenager in Germany and his father a metallurgist who’d bring home laboratory leftovers to feed his son’s growing interest in crystals and science. From an early 19th century bottle of a mercury salt to manganese […]

The McNair Scholar Summer Program Supports Student Doing STEM Research

When Nichali Bogues ’22 (CLAS) graduates from UConn, his dream career is to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. So scientific research was on top of his priority list.   But the rising senior structural biology and biophysics major didn’t expect the McNair Scholars Program to give him so much insight into what his future career will be like.    “I would say it […]

High School Students Exposed to UConn Chemistry Through Virtual Event

Students from Berlin High School didn’t let COVID-19 get in the way of learning directly from UConn faculty The UConn Department of Chemistry, working alongside the Office of Early College Programs & UConn Early College Experience (ECE), annually brings high school students from around Connecticut to the Storrs campus to see exactly what happens in […]

Teaching in the Time of COVID-19

Classrooms and teaching labs were emptied in late Spring 2020 because of public health measures to counter COVID-19. In response to a call for papers in April by the leading journal in chemical education, the ACS Journal of Chemical Education, chemistry educators from around the world chronicled their response to rapid changes in teaching modalities […]

Teaching Chemistry in the Time of COVID-19: Memories and the Classroom

In a recent Journal of Chemical Education article, Assistant Professor in Residence J. Dafhne Aguirre and Associate Professor in Residence Fatma Selampinar detail their experiences teaching general chemistry in the time of COVID-19. The publication compares the challenges, teaching strategies, laboratory methods, and discussion methods used by two different instructors teaching a three-semester chemistry course. Read Full Article: […]

A Tale of Two Lab Courses

A recent article in ACS Publications, from Prof. Kiet Tran, Prof. Anwar Beshir, and Prof. Abhay Vaze, demonstrates a comparison of the experiences of both organic and analytical lab faculty during the COVID-19 pandemic distance learning initiative is described here. Faculty of both lab courses experienced four shared challenges in the transition to the online […]