Undergraduate News

The McNair Scholar Summer Program Supports Student Doing STEM Research

When Nichali Bogues ’22 (CLAS) graduates from UConn, his dream career is to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. So scientific research was on top of his priority list.   But the rising senior structural biology and biophysics major didn’t expect the McNair Scholars Program to give him so much insight into what his future career will be like.    “I would say it […]

Undergraduate Student Receives SURF Award

Congratulations to undergraduate chemistry student Samuel Johnson (Mani Group) on being selected to receive a Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) award for this summer. Sam will use this award to investigate the ways to control molecular emission in solid state by external magnetic fields.

Teaching in the Time of COVID-19

Classrooms and teaching labs were emptied in late Spring 2020 because of public health measures to counter COVID-19. In response to a call for papers in April by the leading journal in chemical education, the ACS Journal of Chemical Education, chemistry educators from around the world chronicled their response to rapid changes in teaching modalities […]

Halle Barber ’20 (CLAS) Receives Outstanding Senior Women Academic Achievement Award

Halle Barber ’20 (CLAS) was an undergraduate researcher in the Rouge Lab since her first year at UConn, starting in the Fall of 2016. During her first two years in the lab, she helped with the synthesis of lipoplex nanoparticles designed to mimic endosomes and participated in fluorescence studies focused on the ability of modified […]

Across the Pond and Back: Chemical Biology in Edinburgh, Scotland

Undergraduate student Eric Mohan ’20 (CLAS), recipient of an Office of Undergraduate Research award, shares his experience conducting research abroad. “I am the recipient of the 2019 Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) award, and I had the privilege of spending last summer in the laboratory of Professor Dominic Campopiano, in the School of Chemistry at the prestigious […]

Pinkhassik Lab SURF Undergraduate Awardees

Pinkhassik Lab Research The research focus of the Pinkhassik Lab in the Department of Chemistry is making nanomaterials and nanodevices with new and superior properties to address current problems in energy-related technologies, medical imaging and treatment, and environmental sensing. An article recently published in the Accounts of Chemical Research exemplifies the research conducted by the […]

Chemistry Building Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Transformative. Iconic. Chemistry. Opening in 1999, the Chemistry Building was the first UConn building to be built as part of the 10-year UConn 2000 initiative, a series of 85 capital projects across UConn’s campuses. This iconic campus landmark marked the beginning of an amazing transformation of the Storrs campus. In these years, the Department has […]

2019 Undergraduate Awards

  AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (ACS) GRADUATING SENIOR AWARD Presented to the top graduating senior. Joshua Paolillo   ACS DIVISION OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AWARD Presented to a student who displays an aptitude for a career in Analytical Chemistry. Caroline Anastasia   ACS DIVISION OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY AWARD Recognizing achievements by an undergraduate in inorganic chemistry pursuing a […]